oceanic tauromachy





ocean, Indian philosophy, William Basinski, music


oceanic tauromachy conceives of the new ocean beyond the tropes of catastrophe and disaster, as an evocative ‘zone’ of evolution, transformation, and unforgiving change, beyond the ontology of despair. The ecological turn has transformed the oceans into complex zones. It has become an apophenic abstraction stitching together other abstractions—an abcanny zone of aberrating non-meaningfulness, of clandestine unbeing, of fractal unbecoming. oceanic tauromachy is musica universalis of residual divinity in toxicity, of lingering sanctity in erosion. Here I invoke the froth that has been gurgling out of the spasms of the sea. The new ocean has become a breeding haven for chthonic deception which has been accommodating the holy havoc of bioprospecting exploitation. The sea bed exhibits the paralysis of our unhinged telos. The ocean has lost its topos. oceanic tauromachy is a will to recover; a preamble to invite and engage a diagnostic planetarity in praxis.

Author Biography

Subham Mukherjee, Independent Scholar

Subham lives in Brandenburg with his beloved and their heads filled with dreams. He writes to escape the droning of masculinist-fascist worlds, and fruitlessly daydreams of becoming a musician-cum-bartender-cum-empath ‘extraordinaire’ who would one day get the chance to swim with whales, hoping if the whales could breach a better ‘world’ out of him. Music stirs a profound sense of apology in his heart. He apologises to all.


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How to Cite

Mukherjee, S. (2025). oceanic tauromachy. UnderCurrents: Journal of Critical Environmental Studies, 22, 86–92. https://doi.org/10.25071/2292-4736/40395


