Requiem to Window Sealant




chemical sensitivity, plasticsphere, politics of life


Requiem to Window Sealant is an autobiographical exploration of chemical sensitivity. Rather than framing her experiences explicitly within illness or suffering, the author gestures towards the sensory implications and the co-materiality of life in plastic worlds. The photograph is a multiple exposure of a body filled with a raft of grass, trash, and detritus floating out to Lake Ontario. It was taken at the mouth of the Don River.

Author Biography

Sophia Jaworski, University of Toronto

Sophia Jaworski is a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology and the Women and Gender Studies collaborative program at the University of Toronto. Her research problematizes environmental illness by reimagining how volatile organic compounds and petrochemical exposures are embodied and figured as toxicants by technoscience. Her dissertation uses feminist science and technology studies and disability justice frameworks to explore the connections between chemical sensitivities and low-income rental housing in Tkaronto, issues she is also involved in organizing and advocating around.


Baudrillard, Jean. Seduction. 1979. Translated by Brian Singer, St. Martin’s, 1990.




How to Cite

Jaworski, S. (2022). Requiem to Window Sealant. UnderCurrents: Journal of Critical Environmental Studies, 21, 38–39.