
Chronotopes and the Crafting of Fictions


  • Fernando Silva e Silva Associação de Pesquisas e Práticas em Humanidades (APPH)



Chronotopography, chronotope, fiction


In this paper, I delineate the workings of my concept of chronotopography. Starting from Bakhtin’s concept of chronotope—historico-poetic forms combining time, space and subjectivity—I define chronotopographical fiction as exploring radically other ways to combine and recombine the three elements of the chronotope. In the first section, I review some of the basic characteristics of the chronotope in Mikhail Bakhtin’s work. In the second section, I bring a definition of fiction in order to develop the concept of chronotopography as a unique kind of fiction that confronts existing chronotopes. I conclude that emphasizing the chronotopographical aspects of fiction can show us how to identify and compose new fictions that challenge hegemonic conceptions of time, space and subjectivity.

Author Biography

Fernando Silva e Silva, Associação de Pesquisas e Práticas em Humanidades (APPH)

Fernando Silva e Silva is a Brazilian researcher, translator, and teacher. He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy, an MA in Language Studies, a BA in French Language and Literature, and a BA in Philosophy. In the last few years, he has been writing and teaching at the intersection of science fiction, environmental studies, metaphysics, history of sciences and philosophies, and anthropology. He is concerned with issues such as the many ecological crises, the history of conceptions of Nature, the modernity/coloniality project, and the relation of politics, philosophy, science, and fiction. He is also one of the founders of a collectively-run research and teaching association called Associação de Pesquisas e Práticas em Humanidades [Association for Research and Practice in the Humanities].


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How to Cite

Silva e Silva, F. (2022). Chronotopographies: Chronotopes and the Crafting of Fictions. UnderCurrents: Journal of Critical Environmental Studies, 21, 11–16.